Spring is for the birds
Spring is for the birds, I say.
Some readers might submit that Spring is for the wildflowers that magically appear as daylight extends its reach across the horizon. Here, in the oak woodland foothills of the Sierra Nevada, we are now being treated to landscapes blanketed by lavender pillars of Lupine, chest high waves of yellow Fiddleneck, and, of course, the resplendent golden crowns of California Poppies.
Other readers might offer that there is really nothing more soothing than the feel of direct sun warming your skin after a long, cold winter. Having attended graduate school in Wisconsin, I can attest to that sensation of liberation after doffing several layers of heavy clothing, and standing on the Commons, soaking up the rays with my classmates while wearing a t-shirt, as the snow melted at our feet.
Yes, Spring is all of that. But still … Spring is really for the birds.
It is a time of birdsong from dawn to dusk by individuals looking for mates; and a time for migrations traveling as little as a few miles away, and others extending to the far reaches of the globe. We bid adieu to our winter residents, and welcome those feathered friends that will be with us throughout the summer.
Already, many of the White-crowned Sparrows who serenaded us come rain or shine throughout the winter have departed. In their place, Western Kingbirds are now arriving. There are already two exploring the oaks on my property.
Western Kingbird grooming in Springtime sunshine
Their effervescent, sputtering chatter makes me laugh every time I hear it. They seem to be declaring “Its great to be home again.” I love listening to them so:
Year-round residents, like Western Bluebirds, are busily gathering materials for their nests. A nest box I installed on an oak tree is currently receiving lots of attention. Last year, my bluebirds abandoned a half-completed nest, and that was a disappointing development. Their in-and-out activity happening right now, however, gives me hope for a joyous chorus come May.
Western Bluebird with food for chicks
Canada Geese are nesting all around our community lake. I’ve counted nine nests just this past week. Loose eggs pushed out of a nest abound if you look for them; one has to watch one’s step. Come the end of April or early May, fuzzy, little goslings will be forming head-to-tail conga lines as they paddle across the placid water. Mallard ducklings, too, won’t be far behind. There will be armadas of noisy waterfowl from one end of the lake to the other, much to the delight of onlookers.
Canada Goose arranges eggs in nest
Best of all, Spring is the moment when a fascinating, and wildly entertaining regal pageant takes place across our oak woodlands: Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are on parade. Rafters of hens and toms forage throughout the neighboring hills and hollows. There is nothing quite like the sound of hopeful toms gobbling for the attention of a wild and willing hen. You can hear them from a mile away.
Hope springs eternal in the breast of a wild tom. Just this week I watched with delight as one lone male gobbled in place, repeatedly, for several minutes, trying to attract nearby (?), but unseen, hens; all the while, a deer rested in the grass at its feet (lower left :34 sec.).
Where the females forage, males follow, strutting and twirling, fanning their tails and flashing their beautiful, iridescent feathers (all 6,000 of them). There is little time for eating if you are a tom determined to pass on your genes for a future generation.
So how do Wild Turkeys do it? Once a hen signals her readiness to her tom-of-the moment, well, a photo explains it best:
Wild Turkeys mating
The coupling is over quickly. After the male dismounts, the pair might then spread their wings or fluff their feathers. However, if another tom passes nearby, the prime male may stand on the female’s back to prevent her from coupling with that male, too (females seek gene diversity to increase the fitness of their offspring). And here is what that looks like:
From time to time, the strutting of multiple toms in close proximity leads to more aggressive behavior. There may be flapping of wings, even aerial acrobatics, as illustrated in the following image:
An aggressive tom leaps into the air over his rivals
When all else fails, aggression turns eventually to face to face combat, as demonstrated below:
All this bird activity is a beautiful recipe that makes me want to forget the Covid-19 worries of the past year. How about you?
No doubt about it: Spring is for the birds.
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